AWS Landing Zone

Cloud Landing Zone

We implemented a Cloud Landing Zone within AWS containing a security baseline, centralized log management, auditing, governance, and networking setup. With the use of the Cloud Landing Zone and it's Account Vending Machine (AVM) it's a breeze to create new accounts within your AWS organization. Accounts are now created based on best practices and also provide baseline features out of the box. All centrally managed and configured by the Cloud Landing Zone.

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Microsoft Azure

Automated Compute Grids

We created the automation for running high-performance compute grids in Microsoft Azure. We helped making sure that researchers can easily run their temporary scientific workloads using the scaling benefits of public cloud. Our automation involved provisioning of research blueprints, security settings, Azure policies and more.

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The Factory Lift and Shift

Lift & Shift Migrations

We have experience with Lift & Shift migrations from on-premise infrastructures or private clouds to the public cloud.

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The Factory - DevOps Automation

DevOps Automation

From a large fragmented Application Landscape towards a fully automated Cloud LandingZone through DevOps, CI/CD and Automation. Extending the capabilites around monitoring, availability, scalability and security.

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The Factory - AWS Service Catalog

AWS Service Catalog

Our customer wanted to enable its users the freedom to create, manage, and take ownership of infrastructure as part of the Service Catalog in the AWS Cloud. The goal was to remove the manual overhead and setup a fully automated deployment of portfolios and products via CI/CD Pipeline.

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The Factory - Cloud to Cloud Migration

Cloud To Cloud Migration

For one of our customers we helped them design a migration within the AWS Cloud, when they were bought by another company. After the initial design, we ran into multiple challenges and kept their data flows running use Infrastructure-as-Code and Serverless solutions.

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The Factory - AWS Terraform landingzone

AWS Terraform landingzone

Our DevOps engineers created a clear Terraform powered structure to prevent issues they've come across during their career

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